Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Second Ob Resultz

So I got all my test and blood work results back. Blood work was fine. One test came back needing futher testing. So next OB appointment I will be having further testing done. Baby is health, carrying low. Baby seems to be big, healthy big. Just hoping for it to not become a 10lb baby. That doesnt sound pleasant.

Not appointment #3 ( which is the next one) but appointment #4 we find out what we are having! I think we are gonna share the sex of the baby, just not the name til the end. Not sure yet as this is all brand new to me.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Today is OB appointment number 2

So today has finally come. I have been having extremely bad migraines this week. Cant wait to talk to my doctor about that and a few other things. I will update when I get back. Leaving in 20 mins.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Results Are In From Mondays Testing

The hospital just called and said that everything was good. The test was for three different chromosome abnormalities, trisomy abnormalities. They tested for the odds of the baby having Downs, Patau's and Edward Syndrome.

The odds go:
1/1,000,000 (Only for Downs do the odds go this high)

The Odds are in.
 Downs syndrome: 1/10,000 (Best score I was told is 1/1,000,000)
 Patau's Syndrome: 1/10,000 (Best score possible)
 Edward's Syndrome: 1/10,000 (Best score possible)

I'll love my baby either way, but the results are in favor of the baby coming out perfectly healthy!!!!!!!!

12 weeks 1 day

Today I am 12 weeks and 1 day. So I am just a day over three months pregnant. That makes my due date March 31, 2015.

I am exhausted. I can't seem to have enough energy. Maybe thats because I feel like I'm up every 2-4 hours needing to pee. Taking naps is supposed to help but I wake up twice as tired.

My starting weight was 180 and now I'm 192. I can say I have a small stomach now but most of the weight has been up stairs. Ive grown one bra size in just three months and that bra is a little tight now.

I have been extremely emotional lately. I can go from happy to crabby in .02 seconds. I find myself crying for everything and anything.

Larry has been a tremendous support. When I start to worry and freak out he gives me my space, (we all know my temper as a red head) then he grabs me holds me and tells me its gonna be ok. Larry is on top of everything. When im cramping he is right there making sure im ok. When I go to bed early not feeling good he will come in and check up on me. He is going to be an amazing dad.

I dont think it has totally sunk in yet that I am pregnant and going to be a mom soon. I am nervous and excited. I cant wait to find out what we are having.

Hospital testing 9-15-14 plus ultra sound pictures

So on Monday I had to go to the hospital for my first trimester testing. It tested for any abnormalities with the placenta, amniotic fluid and baby. Needless to saw I am waiting on the results but the doctor did say that everything was looking good so far and that he had no worries.

The baby has a strong heart beat and was measuring at 11.8 cm. The baby has 2 arm, 2 legs and one head!!! The doctor said everything is growing good!

Monday, September 15, 2014

The breaking news

On July 24th I realized I was a week late. And for those of you who know me, you know I'm always on time.  Or at least within a few days. Never a week late.

The week before this I had gone in and taken a pregnancy test to confirm that I was not pregnant. I was scheduled to receive my depo-vera shot during that same appointment. The test came back negative and I got the shot.

A week later I was at work when I got that gut feeling to take a pregnancy test. So on my 15 minute break I bought and took the test. The results were positive within seconds. I kind of sat in shock for a while. The next day I went back to the doctor and took another test to confirm that it was a true positive. I got a positive within seconds again and the doctor chuckled and said "Congratulations you are most certainly pregnant. It's been a while since I saw one turn positive so quick."